
Information about the article «Next vandalism against nature. In Gegharkunik region 40-years old and 15 meter-high firs were felled» inserted in website in 10 of July 2019. In the 18th square of 5th reserve district of Vardenik branch of “National park “Sevan” SNCO the employee have detected illegally felled 7 pine-trees. Felled trees were relocated to the branch territory. About the environmental violation was drown up a protocol, which w

17 June is the World Day to Combat Desertification

25 years ago in 1995 this day was signed the international convention to combat desertification. Armenia is one of the first countries which has become a member of the convention and which has elaborate national action programmes to combat desertification. From the desertification points of view Armenia is a vulnerable country.  Desertification is characterized by degradation of land resources, biodiversity and livelihood poverty the result of which is the...