1727 species of vascular plants are listed in the National Park and in its buffer zone. In addition on the “Sevan” National Park’’ territory grow 1145 species of vascular plants and 1587 species in the buffer zone. The flora of the park is represented by 28 tree species, 42 bush species, 866 perennial herbages, 209 annual and biennial plants. The buffer zone flora includes 32 tree species, 102 bush species, 1146 perennial herbages and 307 annual and biennial plants. Typical are for the ”Sevan” National Park territory and its buffer zone 23 endemic plants, 13 of which are endemic to Sevan floristic region. Only on the park territory there are 3 endemic species for Armenia and 5 species for Sevan. 17 species are listed in the Red book of Armenia. On the park’s territory and in its buffer zone there are about 60 plant species, which are used as officinal plants. About 100 plants are edible. There are 267 species, subspecies and different forms of macromicets (on the park territory there are 121 species, in the buffer zone 228 species). About 100 species of the mentioned  microscophic fungi  are edible, of which popular and saleable are the following: simple oyster mushroom (Pleurotus ostreatus), granulated bolete (Suillus granulates), saffron milk cap (Lacterius deliciosus), chanterelle (Cantharellus cibarius),fairy ring mushroom (Marasmius oreades), meadow mushroom (Agaricus campestries), horse mushroom  (Agaricus arvensis), shaggy ink cap (Coprinus comatus), classic wastebasket taxon (Tricholomataceae), honey fungus (Armillaria mellea), field blewit/blue-leg (Lepista personata), grey knight (Tricholoma terreum). Moreover there are noticeable 58 species of macroscophic fungi, which have officinal peculiarities. 24 species are poisonous. Some of them are brown-roll rim/poison pax (Paxillus involutus), sulphur tuft (Hypholoma fasciculare), panther cap (Amantia pantherina), yellow-staining mushroom (Agaricus xanthodermus), magpie fungus (Coprinus picaceus), webcap (Cortinarius), fiber caps (Inocybe), some fungi species of Tricholoma family etc.

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